Best Way to Get Rid of Acne – My Acne Story

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Thanks for visiting my website.
I have suffered from acne for years, I have tried all kinds of conventional pharmaceutical products to deal with my acne but none of them really worked, and now when I finally found a way that finally managed to cure my acne permanently, I decided to share my acne story with you guys.
I know there are a lot of people who suffer from acne and can’t find a permanent solution for their acne and since I have gone through a lot of trial and error with my acne I think that my story will be helpful to you(if you are one of these people.)
I will go over in brief about my acne story and then talk about the unconventional method that I used to cure it. So here it goes:
My Acne Story
I first started experiencing breakouts when I was 14 years old. I just had gotten into High School and this is the worst possible time for one to start experiencing breakouts, in my opinion.
It started appearing on my cheeks and chin, mild at first but as the months went on, it got from bad to worse.
In school I had hard time making friends, I was mocked, bullied and isolated, all because of my acne. It was really bad for my social life and self-esteem. Of course, I didn’t stand idly by, while my acne was ruining my teenage years.
I’ve tried countless over the counter products like creams, gels, lotions, cleansers which all promised fast cure but most of them showed temporary results at best.
As time progressed and I was wasting more and more money on these “solutions”, my condition deteriorated!
4 years passed by like that and I turned 18 years old, about to graduate from High School and still hadn’t found a way to get rid of my dreaded acne.
Then, one day when I was browsing the net, I accidentally found this unconventional acne cure method, called the Acne No More System, a 100% holistic and natural acne treatment, nothing like the methods I’ve seen before.
I decided to buy it. After all, it seemed like something out of the box and that’s what caught my attention. Moreover it has 60 day money back guarantee, so there was nothing to lose. Back then it was $97 but now they cut the price down to $37. Anyway, it’s a 240 page pdf ebook, which shows a detailed step by step plan on how to cure your acne using only natural remedies and ingredients. It doesn’t work with
pharmaceuticals, pills, or any conventional products, only natural treatment. 
What makes this method stand out from the others is that it doesn’t just deal with acne on external skin level but goes deeper and works on the root causes of acne, via natural ways. That’s why it’s unique and much better from the other methods.
The author is Mike Walden, a certified nutritionist and medical author.
He is an ex acne sufferer who dedicated his life to find a permanent natural way to get rid of acne. He spent years on acne research with nutritionists, dermatologists and other acne sufferers.
The Acne Equation – what causes  Acne?
For starters, Mike explains what makes your acne appear in the first place. To solve a problem you need to start at the source. His way of explaining this, is with the acne equation, the three components required for Acne to exist:
(Hormone Irregularities +Toxic Build up) x Genetic Tendencies = Acne
The Three pieces of the Acne puzzle:
1. Hormone Irregularities
2. Toxic Build up
3. Genetic Tendencies
Then he goes on how can you influence each of these factors to eliminate your acne. Of course, there isn’t much you can do about Genetic tendencies, if you are genetically prone to acne, you cannot change your genes. However, you can work on Hormone irregularities and Toxic Build up. Acne No More shows how to work on the first two factors of the acne equation with a natural approach. There are 5 aspects of the treatment that one should work on to get the best results.
The 5 aspects of the treatment:
1st Cleansing and flushing 
2nd Nutrition supplementation and Candida eradication plan
3rd Detoxification diet plan,
4th Stress control and sleep optimization,
5th natural external skin care.
The first three aspects are basically juice cleansing, fasting sessions, eliminating foods that aggravate acne, like junk foods and dairy products, also eliminating allergenic foods.
I had to change my diet and for the 1st two weeks I went through a lot fasting, most my diet was fruit and vegetable juices. Making such a big change in my diet was difficult by my strong will to cure my 4 and a half years old got me through.
The book shows a test how to find if you are allergic to certain foods. For example, I am lactose intolerant but I didn’t know that until I applied the test from the book, and before that I was drinking milk on a regular basis and had no idea that milk was one of the contributing factors for my acne.
Also, I had to take hormone balancing supplements – coconut, borage and cod liver oils. These oils are important because they help restore the hormonal balance in the body and hormone irregularities is on the three pieces of the acne puzzle.
The 4th aspect showed me how to optimize my sleep and techniques on how to deal with stress and how to meditate. Although this aspect may look silly for you as it did for me at first, don’t underestimate it – stress and improper sleep are indirect causes for acne. And this method combats acne on multiple levels.
Since I started treatment I meditate on regular basis. It really helps with my stress and anxiety. If you don’t know how to mediate, don’t worry, the book shows exactly how to do it, it’s easier that you think.
The 5th showed me how to treat my skin externally during the whole process – moisturizing and cleansing my face, applying some homemade face masks like clay mask and the secret baking soda mask. To get the best results all the 5 aspects of the treatment must be applied.
Some of this may sound weird and confusing and believe it did for me when I first read it, but I just followed the method exactly as it is in the book. It was hard to give up some of the foods I loved to eat for 2 whole months and all this fasting and juice cleansing were annoying but my strong will to get rid of acne helped me get to the end and the results paid off.
Acne no more proof
Acne no more proof2
What didn’t I like about Mike Walden’s Acne No More ebook?
Although, I think it’s one of the best ways to get rid of acne, it has some cons worth mentioning. Here are the cons I noticed when I applied the treatment:
  • The Acne No More method uses unconventional techniques, really not the typical techniques you usually associate when you think of ways to get rid of acne. At first I was little bit confused and overwhelmed with the method.
  • Acne No More requires strong will and discipline. It’s not for people who aren’t willing to commit. Acne No More is not some over counter lotion or cream that you put on your face twice a day and expect miracles. If you are looking for a quick and effortless cure for you acne, this is not for you. You must be willing to put on some effort and be patient.
What did I like about the Acne No More system?
  • The book is easy to read and provides thorough information about acne vulgaris, the treatment is straight forward, detailed step by step plan.
  • The method uses only natural ways, which will contribute not only for the elimination of acne but will also improve the overall physiological and psychological state of your body as well. The method doesn’t use over the counter products or any type of antibiotics.
  • The method applies to anyone. Regardless of sex, age, severity of acne, it doesn’t matter if you have acne on you face, back, chest or wherever, this method is a universal acne elimination system.
The book does a great job of helping you understand what acne really is and shows you a very direct step by step plan that you need to follow to cure your acne permanently, without using any expensive over the counters, prescription drugs, antibiotics etc, only natural treatment.
If you suffer from any form of acne, especially severe acne, I strongly recommend you read the book and apply the method. You will be surprised how simple and effective it is.
You won’t regret it!
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Acne and Diet – Does diet influence acne?

Just like my dermatologist told me once, most of the medical world today claim that diet doesn’t affect acne in anyway. A quote from the Journal of the American Medical Association:
Diet plays no role in acne treatment in most patients…even large amounts of certain foods have not clinically exacerbated acne
But, is it really so?
Truth is that a substantial number of acne sufferers have reported that their condition seemed to deteriorate when they ate certain types of food and some said that they saw an improvement in their acne condition when they ate certain types of food.

So why do dermatologists continue to insist that diet doesn’t affect acne?
The answer is – Money!
You cannot make money promoting healthy foods, well at least not as much as by promoting drugs and over the counter medications. Doctors everywhere are under huge pressure from pharmaceutical companies to promote their expensive products which create dependency.
And these companies have huge influence on the medical world, after all they sponsor most of the medical schools.
The right kind of diet can’t cure acne by itself but can dramatically reduce its severity. In some cases it can even remove it completely, if the acne was caused by allergic reaction to food. However promoting clear skin diet is not profitable for the drug companies.
Their products will never cure your acne. They aren’t designed to solve the causes of acne, they are designed to combat the external symptoms of a disease. And once you stop administering them, the symptoms reappear, so you always have to buy more and more. That’s what they want, a stable, secure flow of money from your wallet to their pockets.
The statement that diet doesn’t affect acne is a lie!
The theory that diet does not cause acne and acne is an untreatable genetic disorder is based upon two medical researches in 1969 and 1971. These were done to study the possible connection between diet and acne.
The conclusion from the studies was:
Since acne is a generic disease it cannot be healed, the only way to deal with acne it to suppress the symptoms – inflammation, bacteria, excess of sebum, puss, and redness”.
This is to be done by applying creams, lotions, antibiotics etc.
However, years after the above studies were published, clinical trials and new researches tested the diet – acne link again and found that the studies from 1969 and 1971 had come to the wrong conclusion and were seriously flawed.
The new studies have found that there is a connection between acne and diet. It appears that the wrong kind of food can disrupt hormone balance and affect the process of toxic elimination. Both of which will make your existing acne more severe.
An interesting case, which supports that assertion, is the Kitavan islanders case.
Statistics show that in the US more than 80% of teenagers have some form of acne and 17 million other American suffer from it as well. However in some remote places on earth like the Kitavan islands off the coast of Papua New Guinea none of the locals have even one blemish on their face. They don’t have access to western creams, lotions or drugs, so why don’t at least some of them have acne?
Answer is… diet! The only big difference these people have from westerns is the food they eat.
Sugar the sweet poison
sugar (1)
One example of food that can aggravate acne is sugar. Sugar is a 100% pure chemical with no nutritional value, a refined carbohydrate. What happens when you consume any form of refined carbohydrates is it spikes up your blood sugar levels.
To bring those levels down your body secrets insulin and other male hormones. The excess of these hormones overload your liver, so your body reacts by forcing your skin to excrete large amounts of sebum oil (that greasy stuff, that encourages acne prone bacteria to grow, resulting it worsening in your acne).
Another example is milk.
Milk is the single most harmful, mucus generating and acne aggravating food you consume. But after all the commercials and brain washing by the media, promoting drinking milk for strong bones and teeth, how can this be?
Here’s the truth – every sip of milk contains about 60 different hormones, which trigger hyper production of sebum oil, leading to more acne.
If there is one food you choose to remove from your diet for your acne, choose milk. You will see an immediate improvement in your acne condition. And don’t worry about calcium.
Milk is an acidic forming food, so it creates a leeching effect, where calcium is taken away from your bones to counteract its acidity. Milk actually is bad for you bones, as well as your acne. For calcium intake, I suggest you eat nuts, seeds and green vegetables, which are rich in calcium.
When doctors say acne can’t be caused by diet, it’s because they see people who eat certain foods and get acne, then they see other people who eat the same foods and don’t get acne.
What they fail to understand, or don’t want to understand is that acne is caused by multiple factors and diet is just one of them.
Diet alone can’t cause or cure acne, but specific foods can flip some switches in your body which can aggravate or improve your acne condition. Stay away from milk, sugar and other refined carbohydrates, eat more fruits, vegetables and foods that contain unsaturated fats and you will manage to clear you skin from the inside out and significantly reduce your acne!
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7 things NOT to do to your skin when you have acne

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It protects you from temperature variations, external threats and helps you with toxic elimination.
By helping your skin and not working against it, you set the foundations for a quick and natural healing of the skin. It will look and feel better each passing day.
However, if you constantly do the following you will be weakening your skin and slowing the healing process of the skin. Your skin will look worse and worse and your acne will deteriorate:
1. Smoking – Apart from causing early aging, heart disease and lung cancer, smoking makes the blood vessels contract, thus depriving your skin from much needed oxygen. The lack of oxygen in your skin prevents the maintenance and creation of healthy cells.
2.  Using topical steroids – Prescription or over the counter cortisone based creams only address the symptoms of acne (redness, irritation, puss), they don’t treat the root causes.
Moreover, although you may see a temporary improvement in your acne by using them, they will thin your skin in the long term and eventually worsen your acne condition, not to mention the side effects – irritation, redness etc.
Taking care of your skin externally should be done, but only by using natural ingredients, such as tea tree oil.
3. Taking antibiotics – antibiotics like tetracycline aggravate your acne in the long term and can seriously damage your internal system.
Antibiotics destroy all the bacteria in your system, including the good, probiotic bacteria such as acidophilus. Acidophilus has many essential qualities that promote healthy skin.
One of these is the ability to protect your digestive tract from harmful parasites and fungus (that constantly stress your liver, the most important organ responsible for the healing of your skin).
4. Shaving with four in one razor blades – Don’t use these four in one razor blades when shaving, especially if you have a more severe form of acne (large bumps and painful cysts).
These blades that guarantee a “closer shave” will irritate and damage your skin. You should use a single blade when having “live” acne.
5. Picking your skin – Don’t ever touch, pick or squeeze your pimples, no matter how safe or tempting it feels.
If you do this the wrong way, you will irritate your existing inflammation and make your acne worse by pushing puss deeper into your skin.
There are safe and effective ways to deal with small blackheads and whiteheads, but leave that to the professionals if you wish to prevent acne scars in the future.
6. Consuming too much Vitamin A – Green leafy vegetables and carotene fruits are rich in vitamin A and when taken in small quantities, vitamin A can significantly help the healing process of the skin.
On the other hand, when consumed in large quantities Vitamin A can severely damage your liver and cause serious health problems.
7. Using over the counters for your Rosacea – This should be a no brainer. Taking over the counters, which irritate your skin and make it red is definitely a big no no, when having Rosacea.
If you suffer from Rosacea, make sure you consult with your dermatologist before applying any over the counters on your already highly sensitive and inflamed skin.
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The Truth Behind Miracle Acne Cures

Can acne be cured quickly and with no effort? Does a revolutionary acne treatment really exist, overlooked by the medical world, the cure acne within days?
Model 5
For years, all of us acne sufferers have been blasted by advertisements about miracle cures and quick fix acne treatments.
This has made us wonder if these alternatives actually work and are they worth our hard earned cash.
If one has acne, which is triggered by food allergies, then they can start to clear their skin very quickly and easily, compared to their previous disappointing results.
They simply have to remove the allergenic foods from your diet completely and in most cases will see a great improvement within days.
With the exception of the above example, there is no “easy” way for achieving long lasting clear skin. There always has to be work and dedication involved, as there is with other worthwhile achievements.
The never ending search for a miracle cure, a holy grail, a fairy tale quick fix, is a doomed quest, which leads to nowhere.
4185389_1373369880Curing acne is simple, but for most of us it’s not easy.
And let me clear the confusion that simple and easy are two completely different things: ”Simple” means that something is not complicated – you first do A, after that B, then C and you get results.
“Easy” implies that the process can be done with almost no effort. Anybody who tells you they’ve found an “easy” and “quick” way to cure acne is simply lying.
You reap what you sow
Achieving permanent clear skin requires two things:
1) You must be prepared to put some effort
2) You must be have patience
The problem with most people is that they are afraid of anything that involves some work. They’re always trying to take shortcuts.
As soon as they find out something that promises to cure their acne “easily”, “quickly” and “effortlessly”, they pull out their wallets.
Make no mistake about it, people who are acne prone and have clear skin, for example celebrities and famous models, have worked hard to get the skin they want.
A lot of famous people who are prone to acne and now have beautiful skin have made sacrifices to get there.
It a universal law – you can’t get something for nothing. Your acne will go away and your skin will become clear and beautiful in direct proportion yo the amount of effort you put in.
The 5 components to an effective clear skin process
1. External and internal cleansing
2. Internal strengthening and rejuvenating
3. Hormonal balancing
success-on-mountain-top-shutterstock_1156420994. Lifestyle optimization
5. Goal setting and motivation
Except for the lucky few, whose acne is caused by allergy, it’s very difficult (if not impossible) to achieve long lasting clear skin within days and without effort.
So, there it is. You have the solution. It’s simple, all you have to do is follow the plan, but it’s not always easy.
It’s your decision what to do with your acne and health.
In the end, it all comes down to your choices.

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