The skin is the largest organ of the body. It protects you from temperature variations, external threats and helps you with toxic elimination.
By helping your skin and not working against it, you set the foundations for a quick and natural healing of the skin. It will look and feel better each passing day.
However, if you constantly do the following you will be weakening your skin and slowing the healing process of the skin. Your skin will look worse and worse and your acne will deteriorate:

1. Smoking – Apart from causing early aging, heart disease and lung cancer, smoking makes the blood vessels contract, thus depriving your skin from much needed oxygen. The lack of oxygen in your skin prevents the maintenance and creation of healthy cells.
2. Using topical steroids – Prescription or over the counter cortisone based creams only address the symptoms of acne (redness, irritation, puss), they don’t treat the root causes.
Moreover, although you may see a temporary improvement in your acne by using them, they will thin your skin in the long term and eventually worsen your acne condition, not to mention the side effects – irritation, redness etc.
Taking care of your skin externally should be done, but only by using natural ingredients, such as tea tree oil.

3. Taking antibiotics – antibiotics like tetracycline aggravate your acne in the long term and can seriously damage your internal system.
Antibiotics destroy all the bacteria in your system, including the good, probiotic bacteria such as acidophilus. Acidophilus has many essential qualities that promote healthy skin.
One of these is the ability to protect your digestive tract from harmful parasites and fungus (that constantly stress your liver, the most important organ responsible for the healing of your skin).
4. Shaving with four in one razor blades – Don’t use these four in one razor blades when shaving, especially if you have a more severe form of acne (large bumps and painful cysts).
These blades that guarantee a “closer shave” will irritate and damage your skin. You should use a single blade when having “live” acne.

5. Picking your skin – Don’t ever touch, pick or squeeze your pimples, no matter how safe or tempting it feels.
If you do this the wrong way, you will irritate your existing inflammation and make your acne worse by pushing puss deeper into your skin.
There are safe and effective ways to deal with small blackheads and whiteheads, but leave that to the professionals if you wish to prevent acne scars in the future.

6. Consuming too much Vitamin A – Green leafy vegetables and carotene fruits are rich in vitamin A and when taken in small quantities, vitamin A can significantly help the healing process of the skin.
On the other hand, when consumed in large quantities Vitamin A can severely damage your liver and cause serious health problems.
7. Using over the counters for your Rosacea – This should be a no brainer. Taking over the counters, which irritate your skin and make it red is definitely a big no no, when having Rosacea.
If you suffer from Rosacea, make sure you consult with your dermatologist before applying any over the counters on your already highly sensitive and inflamed skin.